CCEA Personal Writing is part of the GCSE Unit 4 exam paper. It contains one big writing task: Personal Writing. The articles below are designed specifically to support teachers and students of this examination paper, however they will be useful for any higher ability Key Stage 3, or Key Stage 4 English class. Click here for past paper questions on the CCEA website for this particular exam.
The pink button at the bottom of the page will bring you to my printable guide – I hope it’s helpful for you.
Check out these resources:
This tracking spreadsheet may help if you are teaching CCEA’s GCSE English Language course. It has all the embedded formulas needed to calculate approximate UMS scores, rank order for speaking and listening, and final predicted grades based on your ongoing assessments. It is (of course) only an approximation, but it is helpful when deciding predicted grades for students. Learn more about the benefits of effective data tracking in this article.